With Pleasure

I'm Girlfriend Experience (GFE) and please feel free to ask me about other services you might be interested in .....

Services: gfe, lfk/dfk, cbj/bbbj, cim/cimws ($), dt, bls, daty, facials, pearls, digits, mpos, msog, russian, bi-sexual, duos, couples, rimming {receiving}, golden showers ($ giving)

YMMV (your mileage may vary) : BBBJ, rimming, DFK, CIM,

note: this is based on your cleanliness and hygiene, I won't do certain services, if I feel uncomfortable and again the hygiene.

Extra Charge $: CIMWS ($40)

Girlfriend Experience (GFE)   Golden Showers (giving) +40 CAD
CIMWS +40 CAD    